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The successful Dyvar® Technology application can contribute to more sustainable oil & gas production

In Saudi Arabia, ARAMCO and NESR have successfully implemented the first application at scale of Salttech B.V.’s revolutionary Dyvar® concentration and crystallization technology. The Dyvar® technology allows ARAMCO to efficiently recycle continuously high-salt reservoir water (100,000 ppm TDS) into fresh water (less than 100 ppm).

The project proves the concept of leveraging produced oilfield water for both industrial consumption and supply to agriculture and community use. SALTTECH and NESR are jointly developing several desalination plants (25,000 to 100,000 bbl/day) to be applied in MENA region soon.

Please feel free to contact info@salttech.com or info@nesr.com to learn more about the oil & gas applications of Dyvar®.

Salttech NESR Dyvar® afbeelding 5
Lijnen Dyvar technology line

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